The Group

The Chairs of Urban Water Management are active in research and education.
The research of the Chair of Process Engineering (head: Prof. Dr. Eberhard Morgenroth) is focussed on practical applications and fundamental research. Our research and development of drinking water and wastewater treatment technologies translates concepts into sustainable solutions, serving water pollution control and promoting resource reuse.
The Chair of Urban Water Systems (head: Prof. Dr. Max Maurer) develops tools and methods to quantify and understand the technical and economic dynamics of water infrastructures. Besides traditional centralized networks, the focus is on novel water and wastewater infrastructure systems and their integration into existing structures.
For detailed information on the research carried out by both chairs, visit the Eawag websites of the external page Department of Process Engineering and the external page Department of Urban Water Management.
The basis of our educational activities are the lectures. The Bachelor's courses are held in German, the Master's courses are held in English.
The Bachelor's programme is completed with a Bachelor's thesis, the Master's programme with a Master's thesis. Student projects offer the possibility of in-depth study of an industry or research related topic.
Our Environmental Laboratory provides an introduction to measurement techniques and analytical methods in urban water management.