Process Engineering Ib


This course spans over the whole of the autumn semester with 2h/wk lectures time.
The purpose of this course is to build on the fundamental understanding of biological processes and wastewater treatment applications that were studied in Process Engineering Ia (102-0217-00L). Case studies that are jointly discussed in class and student-led projects allow to advance the understanding and critical analysis of biological treatment processes.

Course objectives

By the end of the course, students should be able to do the following:

  • Process understanding and process integration: Apply the basic principles learned in Process Engineering Ia (102-0217-00L) for design, modeling, and critical assessment. Integrate existing information and extend your knowledge by independent study.
  • Scientific or technical evaluation: Identify a specific scientific or engineering question and develop an approach to answer this question using mathematical modeling; provide a critical discussion of your answer; report your results in a research paper and an oral presentation.
  • Teamwork: State principles of effective team performance and the functions of different team roles; work effectively in problem-solving teams.
  • Communication: Communicate and document your findings in concise group presentations and a written report.

General Information for Process Engineering Ib

  • Lecturer: Prof. Dr. E. Morgenroth
  • Teaching Coordinators: Contact
  • Lecture program and important information: Available on Moodle or by request from the teaching coordinators
  • Lecture notes will be provided on Moodle
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